
Posts Tagged ‘moving’

Texas bound

So we finally have plans for next year.  Steve was offered a tenure-track position at a community college in Waco, TX.  I’m really excited for him, but I’m trying not to build anything up in my mind.  I am super happy that we will be moving to a city where we actually know people ahead of time, but I’m freaking out about the warm weather.   I’m going from 117+ inches of snow to 117+ degrees!  And just as the weather is nice enough to do things with H outside, we’re moving. (I’m not doing outside things when it is so hot.)  

I’ve started the tedious process of boxing up the house.  I’m making a big effort to donate or throw away a lot of the junk we’ve been carrying around with us, none of the yarn or knitting stuff though. 😉 I feel a lot lighter already, even if it is all just in piles and not out of the house.  I’ve also started obsessively making lists in my head.  What we need to keep packing, what I’ll need in the car with H on a four day trip, etc.  I’m just trying to breathe for the moment.

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